Death of the President of IQRA,Shaikhul Qurra Qari Muhammad Yusuf

The President of International Quran Recitation Association(IQRA), Founder Director of Institute of Quranic Science and Phonetics Bangladesh, the pioneer of correct Quran recitation in Bangladesh, Shaikhul Qurra Qari Muhammad Yusuf (Rah:) died on 18th April, 1 Sha’ban,Wednesday at 6.30-7.00 am.[Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rojiyuun]

The first Janazah(funeral) was held at National Mosque Baitul Mukarrom after Asr Prayer.The second Janazah was held at Sheikh Qari Muhammad Yusuf(Rah:) ‘s residence at Mirja Ali Talukdar Bari,Karnafuli Thana,Patiya Upazila,Chittagong.


"خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه"-'The best amongst you are the ones who learn Quran and teach it to others'